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Results for dumbbell

  1. Dumbbells vs Resistance Bands: What’s Best For You?

    Would you rather know the exact weight you're lifting, or are versatility and portability your priority?

  2. Kettlebells vs Dumbbells: Find Out What’s Best For You

    Understand the relative merits of kettlebells vs dumbbells for muscle, strength and functional fitness

  3. Adjustable Dumbbells vs Fixed Dumbbells

    When choosing adjustable dumbbells or fixed dumbbells, consider how much space you have and the type of workouts you do

  4. PT Mikey Smith’s Go-To Full-Body Dumbbell Workout

    This full-body dumbbell workout is a great option for building muscle at home – and it only requires one bit of kit

  5. Dumbbell-Only Workout For A Total-Body Test

    This six-move dumbbell-only full-body workout will help you burn body fat and build a lean, muscular physique

  6. Arms Workout With Dumbbells To Do At Home

    Build bigger arms using just one pair of dumbbells with this workout designed to pump up your biceps, triceps and forearms

  7. Dumbbell Triceps Workout For More Defined Arms

    Build bigger arms with this dumbbell triceps workout from body transformation expert Diego Carrete

  8. The Best Adjustable Dumbbells In 2024: We Lift Them All From Most Compact To Heaviest

    Looking for one dumbbell to rule them all? These are the best adjustable dumbbells for strength training at home this year

  9. Dumbbell Shoulder Workout To Try At Home

    This home dumbbell shoulder workout will help you build a stronger frame for injury-free strength sessions and big upper-body gains

  10. Dumbbells vs Barbells

    There's space for dumbbells and barbells in every man's workout regime…

  11. Best Dumbbell Exercises For Back Workouts

    Enhance your strength, stability, mobility and more with these dumbbell back exercises

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