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Results for protein

  1. Benefits Of Tofu: Why It’s A Gym-Goer’s Best Friend

    Plant-based nutritionist TJ Waterfall on why tofu is the perfect high-protein supplement to any training plan

  2. Eat Like An Athlete: 3 Vegan Meals From Health App Oro

    Rustle up these high-protein, high-performance recipes – including a black bean burger and tempeh tacos

  3. Bug Out: Why Insects Are The Future Of Food

    In a decade we’ll all be eating insects – and for good reason – writes Gabi Lewis, co-founder of Exo Protein 

  4. “How I Went From Agonising Back Pain To Sub-10% Body Fat”

    Just three workouts a week and an increased intake of protein helped this man forge the body of an athlete

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