According to a YouGov survey conducted for BBC Radio 5 Live, 75% of British men admitted they have never or rarely danced. Embarrassment tops the list of reasons why, with many avoiding the dance floor to steer clear of becoming the center of attention, being ridiculed, or judged. A striking theme from the survey reveals that many men simply believe they’re terrible dancers, which keeps them on the sidelines. 

That’s despite recent research published in Sports Medicine, which reveals that dancing isn’t just a good cardio workout. It also combats health issues linked to sedentary lifestyles, alleviates symptoms of mental health problems, and enhances cognitive abilities as we age. 

Fortunately, this narrative could be changing with the surge of mindful movement events happening nationwide. These events offer transformative experiences that help men tap into their emotions. Enter yoga dance therapy, flow dance meditation, and intuitive dance – all designed to help you unlock your full potential with no choreography, routines, or rules. 

And if you’re looking for a bit of guidance before you break out your best moves, a study from the University of Northumbria analyzed videos of men dancing to determine what sets good dancers apart from the rest. Turns out, guys who scored high under the glitterball had a varied repertoire that included tilting and twisting their torso and neck. On the other hand, those sticking to repetitive moves, especially with their arms and legs, didn’t fare as well.

So it’s time to swap the drink-holding for the dancefloor. Your heart will thank you.

Step up your game: the surprising benefits of dancing

You’ve hit the gym, tried your hand at boxing, and maybe even dusted off the exercise mat and ventured into yoga. But have you ever considered dancing as your next fitness challenge? Not just an impressive skill for weddings or night outs, dancing is a powerhouse workout with a host of benefits. Let’s break it down.

1. Get ripped. Dancing torches calories. Whether it’s high-energy salsa or hip-hop, an hour of dancing can burn up to 400 calories. Plus, it builds muscle tone across your entire body without the monotony of lifting weights.

2. Boost your heart health. Dancing is a great cardio workout. It elevates your heart rate, improves circulation, and lowers the risk of cardiovascular issues. Consider it as your fun alternative to running on a treadmill.

3. Improve flexibility and strength. Many dance styles enhance flexibility and increase range of motion, giving you the agility of an athlete. You’ll find muscles you never knew you had—trust us.

4. Sharpen your brain. Choreographed routines challenge your gray matter, enhancing memory and cognitive function. This mental workout keeps you sharp, focused, and ready to tackle anything life throws your way.

5. De-stress and unwind. The rhythm of dance naturally reduces stress levels. Engaging with the music allows you to let go, releasing endorphins and giving you that natural high.

6. Gain confidence. Mastering a new dance move is like unlocking a new level of self-esteem. Command the dance floor and carry that confidence into every other aspect of your life.

7. Build connections. Dancing is inherently social. You’ll meet new people, forge connections, and expand your social circle. It’s the perfect excuse to disconnect from the digital world and connect with others.