Facing a packed-out gym, or working out from home? If you need a small-space dumbbell workout, without the need for a bench, this session from PT Farren Morgan requires minimal room and can be done in 20 minutes or less.

Whether you’re a tactical athlete preparing for a military test, or just someone with a hectic schedule, setting aside 20 minutes of your day for small-space dumbbell workouts will build full-body muscle and enhance your cardiovascular fitness – and the best part is that you can do this session without a bench. All you need to get started are your best adjustable dumbbells or fixed dumbbells. Read on as we guide you through the best dumbbell exercises you can add to your day.

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Here at Men’s Fitness, we work with top professionals in their field to provide you with the best advice possible; advice that comes from tried-and-tested theories and techniques. Read more about us here.

In this particular case, we’ve teamed up with Farren Morgan, one of the UK’s highest-regarded personal trainers. For nearly a decade, he’s been helping people train their bodies for intense military preparation, so he’s as good as qualified as anyone to show you how to get the best from yourself.

Dumbbell workout without a bench: the exercises

1. Dumbbell thruster

Targets: Legs, shoulders, core

Reps: 12
Sets: 3
Rest: 30-45 secs

  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder height.
  • Squat down, then explosively stand up while pressing the weights overhead.
man performing dumbbell thruster as part of a small-space dumbbell workout
man performing dumbbell thruster as part of a small-space dumbbell workout

2. Renegade row

Targets: Core, back, arms

Reps: 10 (each side)
Sets: 3
Rest: 30-45 secs

  • Start in a high plank position with a dumbbell in each hand.
  • Perform a row with one arm, while stabilising with the other.
man performing renegade row as part of a small-space dumbbell workout
man performing renegade row as part of a small-space dumbbell workout

3. Dumbbell deadlift

Targets: Hamstrings, glutes, lower back

Reps: 12
Sets: 3
Rest: 30-45 secs

  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand with a neutral grip.
  • Hinge at the hips, keep the back straight, and lower the weights toward the ground.
man performing dumbbell deadlift in the gym
man performing dumbbell deadlift in the gym

4. Dumbbell goblet squat

Targets: Quads, hamstrings, core

Reps: 15
Sets: 3
Rest: 30-45 secs

  • Hold a dumbbell close to your chest.
  • Squat down to at least parallel, keep your back straight, then push through your heels to return to the starting position.
man performing goblet squat as part of a small-space dumbbell workout
man performing dumbbell goblet squat

5. Dumbbell bent-over row

Targets: Upper back, biceps

Reps: 12
Sets: 3
Rest: 30-45 secs

  • Hinge at the hips, keep a slight bend in the knees and row the dumbbells to your hips.
man performing dumbbell row
man performing dumbbell row

6. Dumbbell reverse lunge

Targets: Quads, hamstrings, glutes

Reps: 10 (each side)
Sets: 3
Rest: 30-45 secs

  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand, step back into a lunge, then return to the starting position.
man performing dumbbell reverse lunge
man performing dumbbell reverse lunge

If that’s got you in the mood for more targeted training, make sure to read our shortlist of the best upper body dumbbell workouts, or alternatively, our top advice for dumbbell leg training.

Or, if you want to know how to specifically target certain muscle groups, check out our guides to dumbbell training for the chest, shoulders, abs, and biceps.