Natural flavours including maple syrup are at the heart of UnTapped’s Athletic Fuel gels, making them as moreish as they are effective…

UnTapped Athletic Fuel

$36.95 for 20 (UK shipping available on orders over £135), 

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  • 100% natural 
  • Steady energy release 
  • Clean, delicious taste 


  • Not particularly pocket-friendly 
  • Pricey in the UK  

Taste: 4/5
Energy: 4/5
Portability: 3/5

Almost as important as picking the right running shoe is choosing the best running gel. Nature’s pretty good at providing untampered sources of high-energy fuel, such as honey, dates and bananas. Then there’s Canadian gold – maple syrup.  

Naturally high in carbs that come mostly from sucrose, maple syrup contains complex sugars which have a much lower glycemic index than regular sugar and maltodextrin. That means they burn slower and the energy release is more even – good news for avoiding the rush and crash of blood sugar spikes that some gels create. Maple syrup is also naturally high in antioxidants and amino acids.   

UnTapped Athletic Fuel ingredients

UnTapped Athletic Fuel gels tap into the natural fuelling power of maple syrup. Each uses just a handful of natural ingredients. In the regular maple flavour, that’s all it is: maple syrup. The salted citrus has sea salt and organic fruit juice. Each 40g pouch delivers a delicious 26g hit of carbohydrates, slightly more than you’ll get in most regular gels.  

The runny consistency of maple syrup means you can pour this straight in and there’s none of the yucky, gloopy mouth coating that you get with many gels. The pouches have tear tops for quick, easy opening on the move, and the long, thin tubes also help. Though that makes them easier to stash in waistband workout belts, they don’t fit easily in shallower pockets.  

Unsurprisingly, these are very sweet and you might find it helps to take them with water, though the liquid-like consistency means that’s not essential. The lime and lemon juice, along with the 100mg sodium in the salted citrus flavour, also takes the edge off that sweetness, as well as supporting hydration.  

Alongside maple and salted citrus, there’s salted cocoa and salted raspberry flavours. There’s also a coffee option with 25mg of caffeine from real black tea. I like the fact you can buy each flavour in 16-serving bulk bottles – a reusable option all gel makers should offer. 

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