Optimise your home training with this full-body dumbbell and kettlebell workout.

Dumbbell and kettlebell exercises are great options for any workout. But even with the best kettlebells or dumbbells, unless you know how to use your kit effectively, there’s not much point.

That’s why I’ve devised this full-body workout, which features a range of dumbbell and kettlebell exercises. It will allow you to get the most out of each piece of equipment while working every muscle in your body.

Why you can trust the workouts in Men’s Fitness

At Men’s Fitness we pride ourselves on delivering information that serves a singular purpose: to improve some aspect of your health, fitness or wellbeing. For over 16 years, we’ve been publishing authoritative health and fitness content – written by our expert editors and contributors. Each of our workouts has been created and tested by either a highly experienced editor or expert contributor. This workout was devised by Harvey Lawton, founder of online training platform The Movement Blueprint.

Exercises in this dumbbell and kettlebell workout

1a. Single-arm dumbbell press 
1b. Single-arm gorilla row
1c. Frontal plane lunge 
2a. Kettlebell sumo deadlift 
2b. Kettlebell squat to high pull 
2c. Banded push-up
3a. Split squat
3b. Suitcase Romanian deadlift
3c. Kettlebell beast drag

1a. Single-arm dumbbell press 

Man in a gym performing a single-arm dumbbell press
Reps8 each side
RestStraight into 1b

Why I like it: The single-arm dumbbell press will work your shoulders and challenge your core more than regular dumbbell presses. It’ll help iron out any strength imbalances too.

  • From a half-kneeling position, create tension through your trunk and press the dumbbell overhead
  • Aim to finish with your elbow against your ear and control the eccentric (lowering) phase of each rep

1b. Single-arm gorilla row

Man in a gym performing a single-arm gorilla row
Reps8 each side
RestStraight into 1c

Why I like it: I love the single-arm gorilla row, which targets everything from your back and hamstrings to your core, lats and shoulders. You’ll also be working things like grip strength and scapular mobility as well.

  • From a hinge position, pull the weight up with one arm while maintaining square hips 
  • Reset each rep by touching the weight on the floor

1c. Frontal plane lunge 

Man in a gym performing a frontal plane lunge with a dumbbell
Reps6 each side
Rest90 secs

Why I like it: We perform forward and reverse lunges all the time, but often overlook the lateral plane of motion. This will work glutes, quads and hamstrings and, as it works one side of your body at a time, can help fix those difficult muscle imbalances.

  • From a standing position, step out into a lateral lunge 
  • Control the eccentric portion of the rep and ensure the unloaded leg stays straight
  • From the bottom of the rep, return all the way back up to standing

2a. Kettlebell sumo deadlift 

Man in a gym performing a kettlebell sumo deadlift
RestStraight into 2b

Why I like it: If you want to work your posterior chain, the kettlebell sumo deadlift is the way to go. Glutes, quads and hamstrings all get some attention too.

  • Set your stance wider than hip-width apart
  • From here, perform your deadlift
  • At the top, ensure you fully extend the hips and knees
  • Reset each rep

2b. Kettlebell squat to high pull 

Man performing a kettlebell squat to high pull
RestStraight into 2c

Why I like it: This is one of my favorites as you get two great moves for the price of one. Shoulders, glutes and quads will feel the burn as you improve explosive power and athletic endurance.

  • From a squat position with the kettlebell in a low cradle hold, explode upwards
  • When the hips are extended, pull the kettlebell up to chest height, focusing on high elbows
  • Repeat in a cyclical manor

2c. Banded push-up

Man performing a banded push-up
Rest90 secs

Why I like it: Using a band creates an additional challenge to the humble push-up. No matter what strength resistance band you use, your chest, triceps and delts will feel it more than usual, and stability and balance will be challenged and improved.

  • Cross the band behind your back so that each elbow sits between the band
  • Using the band as resistance, perform regular press-ups
  • Focus on locking out the arms at the top of each rep and keeping your hips level with your shoulders

3a. Split squat

Man performing a split squat
RestStraight into 3b

Why I like it: Most people have one leg stronger than the other so the split squat is a great way to work each leg independently and equally. It’s also the perfect move to master if you’re looking to go on to do Bulgarian split squats.

  • From a split stance, load over your front leg and drive your knee over your toe, keeping your heel on the floor
  • Lean forward into the movement and imagine trying to match your torso angle to your shin angle
  • Execute with a controlled tempo

3b. Suitcase Romanian deadlift

Man performing a suitcase Romanian deadlift
Reps6 each side
RestStraight into 3c

Why I like it: This is a really useful corrective move, to sort out things like hip tracking and improving anti-rotational core strength. It’s good for emphasizing the hamstrings and working on your grip strength too.

  • Hold the kettlebell slightly away from one side of your hip
  • Perform each rep as a single rep with a small reset on the floor
  • Don’t allow rotation through the hips or torso

3c. Kettlebell beast drag

Man performing a kettlebell beast drag
Reps12 alternating
Rest90 secs

Why I like it: A challenging variation on the plank kettlebell drag, bending the knees means more imbalance for you to counter, creating more work for your core, shoulders, abs and obliques.

  • From a table-top position (on your hands and knees), hover your knees around an inch off the floor
  • Maintain square hips and shoulders
  • With each rep, drag the kettlebell from outside one hand, across to the other

Be sure to cool down and stretch after completing this dumbbell and kettlebell workout.

Related content:

If you’re in need of a kettlebell, we recommend trying the JaxJox KettlebellConnect 2.0, which features a range of weights in one adjustable unit.