Try this full-body workout from record-breaking swimmer and Paris 2024 athlete Ben Proud.

Ben Proud is GB’s sprint-swimming sensation, who holds multiple British records and recently set the second fastest time in history in the 50m Freestyle. With Commonwealth Games titles and European Championship victories, he’s hoping to claim the ultimate prize at the Paris Olympics. 

Much of his training is, of course, spent in the pool, where he spends an hour a day, six days a week. But Proud doesn’t shun gym work, either. His weekly routine consists of at least three full-body workouts, incorporating compound exercises alongside abdominal work and stretching. Non-negotiable lifts include rows, bench press and bench pull, which are key contributors to his explosive performance in the water. 

Proud, an AirAsia Dare to Dream ambassador, typically completes 4 sets of 5 reps per exercise, adjusting weights as needed. To ensure peak performance, he allows as much as three minutes of rest between sets, striking a balance between sufficient challenge and optimal recovery.

Ben Proud’s strength workout for swimmers

Swimmer Ben Proud performing a pull-up as part of a strength workout for swimmers

1. Pull-up 

Reps: 5
Sets: 4
Rest: 1-2 mins

  • Begin this strength workout for swimmers by hanging from a pull-up bar with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart
  • Engage your core and back muscles to pull your body up until your chin clears the bar
  • Slowly lower yourself back to the starting position to complete 1 rep

Coaching cue: Focus on pulling your shoulder blades down and back as you initiate the movement.

Swimmer Ben Proud performing bench press as part of a strength workout for swimmers

2. Barbell bench press

Reps: 5
Sets: 4
Rest: 3 mins

  • Lie on the bench with your feet flat on the floor, gripping a bar (we’re big fans of the Bulldog Cerakote 20kg 7ft Olympic Barbell) slightly wider than shoulder-width apart
  • Lower the bar to your chest, keeping your elbows at a 45-degree angle
  • Push the bar back up explosively to the starting position

Coaching cue: Drive your gym shoes into the floor for stability and engage your chest muscles throughout the movement.

Swimmer Ben Proud performing leg press as part of a strength workout for swimmers

3. Leg press

Reps: 5
Sets: 4
Rest: 3 mins

  • Sit on the leg press machine with your back flat against the pad
  • Press the platform away from you by extending your legs, but don’t lock them out at the top
  • Return with control
Swimmer Ben Proud performing a bench-support landmine row

4. Bench-support landmine row

Reps: 4
Sets: 4
Rest: 2 mins

  • Position an incline bench next to a landmine bar
  • Face away from the landmine and position your knee and hand on the bench
  • With your free hand, bend down and pick up the weighted end of the barbell
  • Row the bar up and emphasise a shoulder blade squeeze at the top

Coaching cue: If you feel any pain in your lower back, squeeze your glutes harder.

Swimmer Ben Proud performing a Turkish get-up

5. Kettlebell Turkish get-up

Reps: 8-10
Sets: 4
Rest: 60-90 secs

  • Start by lying on your back with legs extended and a kettlebell in one hand extended straight above your shoulde
  • Bend your knee on the same side as the kettlebell, placing your foot flat on the floor. Your other arm should be extended out to the side for balanc
  • Engage your core and use your free hand to prop yourself up onto your opposite elbow
  • Push through your bent leg and lift your hips off the ground, coming onto your hand
  • Sweep your straight leg back and underneath your body, creating a stable base by planting your hand firmly on the floor
  • Lift your hips up further, so you’re in a kneeling position with the weight balanced overhead
  • Stand up slowly, maintaining control and keeping the kettlebell extended overhead
  • Reverse the movements carefully to return to the starting position

Coaching cue: Maintain eye contact with the kettlebell to ensure proper alignment throughout the movement.

Swimmer Ben Proud performing abs wheel rollouts as part of a strength workout for swimmers

6. Abs wheel rollout

Reps: 8-10
Sets: 4
Rest: 60-90 secs

  • Kneel on the floor with your hands on the ab wheel handles in front of you
  • Roll the wheel forward, extending your body into a straight line
  • Engage your core to roll the wheel back to the starting position

Coaching cue: Keep your core braced and avoid arching your back.

Photography: Max Howard